Patrick Bruce Audio Podcast

Sermons preached by Bishop Patrick Bruce at the The Mega Church, True Vine Cathedral, Bantama, Kumasi, Ghana

Six Groups Of People Who Are Easily Offended


Offences must need come and we will lose the position of our candlestick if we allow it. We are admonished to live beyond these offences that have the potential to block our blessings. Preached at the True Vine, Bantama by Archbishop Patrick Bruce.

Offences must need come and we will lose the position of our candlestick if we allow it. We are admonished to live beyond these offences that has the potential to block our blessings. Preached at the True Vine, Bantama by Archbishop Patrick Bruce.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 29 MB - Duration: 1:01:19m (640 kbps 44100 Hz)

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