Sermons preached by Bishop Patrick Bruce at the The Mega Church, True Vine Cathedral, Bantama, Kumasi, Ghana
Leaders And Loyalty Conference 2023
More Download2023-02-20
In concluding this series, Archbishop Patrick Bruce highlights a believer's usefulness to the church. He urges us to be benefactors to the body of Christ and cause of the gospel. Message preached at the True Vine Cathedral, Bantama
More Download2023-02-12
Jesus said, Ye are the salt and Ye are the light. In this episode, Archbishop Patrick Bruce explains three effects of salt. As a salt, what is your influence in the midst of your peers and among unbelievers? message preached at the True Vine Cathedral
More Download2023-02-07
What is a salt worth when it loses its saltiness? It shall be cast out and trodden under the foot of men. Archbishop Patrick Bruce explains further the purpose of man's life in the kingdom of God, preached at the SAT service, True Vine Cathedral, Bantama
More Download2023-02-06
In this series, Archbishop Patrick Bruce explains further the importance of your relationship with God which has a direct influence on your worth as a believer. Message preached at the True Vine Cathedral, Bantama. Take a listen.
More Download2023-02-04
Fruitfulness is God's specific instruction to mankind. As believers we are obliged to be fruitful. Bishop Nterful teaches on the subject of fruitfulness at the special conference at the True Vine Cathedral, Bantama. Be blessed as you listen .
More Download2023-02-04
Leaders And Loyalty Conference 2023
More Download2023-01-31
Jesus' ministry is unparalleled. His mission for all is to make fishers of men by actually winning souls. Are you good for nothing? a question worth asking. Message preached at the True Vine Cathedral, Bantama by Archbishop Patrick Bruce
More Download2023-01-22
The root of ingratitude, unfaithfulness and rebellion is grounded on forgetfulness. How can one avoid such evil by not forgetting? Archbishop Patrick Bruce throws more light on what it means to forget, preached at the True Vine Cathedral, Bantama
More Download2023-01-10
Everyone has a rank. To rise above this rank, one must be diligent and thankful. Listen to Archbishop Patrick Bruce as he explains how to change ranks which leads to promotion, preached at the SAT service, True Vine Cathedral, Bantama
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